International Association of Colleges of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the International Association of Colleges of Laboratory Animal Medicine (IACLAM).
Section 2.
The primary purpose of IACLAM is to provide a common global communication platform for Diplomates of national or regional colleges of laboratory animal medicine. Currently, this includes the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM), the European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ECLAM), the Indian College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ICLAM), the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM), and the Korean College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (KCLAM). The Philippine College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (PCLAM) has associate member status with IACLAM.
Section 3.
The objectives of IACLAM include promotion of the welfare and responsible use of laboratory animals through collaborations with veterinary specialists in the field, promotion of education and training in laboratory animal medicine, dissemination of information relevant to the field, and to serve as research partner.
Section 4.
IACLAM is registered as a non-profit organization [501 (c)(3)] in the state of New Hampshire, USA.
Section 5.
IACLAM maintains an affiliation with the World Veterinary Association (WVA), with voting rights at the WVA Congress.
ARTICLE II Membership
Section 1.
IACLAM is a non-profit association of member colleges of laboratory animal medicine globally. Appointed representatives of these Colleges shall serve on IACLAM Board. Other members of the Colleges may be asked to participate in specific IACLAM activities based on their areas of expertise, etc.
Section 2.
Should other colleges of laboratory animal medicine be established elsewhere in the world, they may be considered for membership in IACLAM.
a) 'Full membership' is granted based on meeting defined criteria and paying applicable membership dues.
b) 'Associate membership' is designed for emerging colleges of laboratory animal medicine. 'Associate membership' may be granted to emerging colleges by meeting associate membership criteria and paying applicable membership dues. 'Associate membership' will initially be granted on a three-year renewable basis. Renewal will be contingent on evidence of progress towards full membership.
Section 3.
In order for a member College to be in good standing, annual dues must be paid in a timely manner and appointed members are expected to participate in IACLAM activities.
Section 4.
The dues shall be recommended by the Board and shall be payable on January 1st of each year or as invoiced by the Secretary/ Treasurer.
Section 5.
IACLAM membership is not transferable.
Section 1.
IACLAM Board shall be comprised of the three appointed representatives from each member Colleges.
a) Representatives of 'Full member' colleges shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of IACLAM including participation in meetings, voting, and may hold Officer positions.
b) 'Associate member' college representatives shall participate in meetings but will not vote, and are not eligible for Officer positions in IACLAM.
Section 2.
IACLAM board members are appointed by the boards of the member colleges, and at least one representative from each College shall be an Officer or Board/Council member of the member College.
Section 3.
IACLAM Board members are representatives of their respective Colleges, and as such, should consult with their College to ensure that viewpoints expressed are representative of the College.
Section 4.
The term of membership on the Board is three years. Terms are renewable.
Section 1.
The officers shall be a President, President Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President and Secretary/ Treasurer.
Section 2.
The President Elect, Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Board, subject to a majority decision.
Section 3.
The term of office for each officer shall be two years. The term shall commence at the beginning of the calendar year immediately after their election and terminate two years thence.
a) The Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer's terms are renewable
Section 4.
The President Elect shall succeed to the office of President should that office be vacated before the end of the term.
Section 5.
The Secretary/ Treasurer shall maintain the records of the organization, attend all meetings of the Board, keep all notes and records of official meetings and sessions until the Board approves their disposal, and prepare formal correspondence on behalf of the organization. Other duties of the Secretary/ Treasurer include requesting approved banking transactions are made to the Executive Director, ACLAM who holds our account; monitoring IACLAM bank account; invoicing member Colleges for annual dues, ensuring the dues are received and provide receipts; preparation, audit and presentation of budget and expenditures to the IACLAM BOD, and submission of 990-N to USA Internal Revenue Service.
Section 6.
Should a vacancy occur in any office, the President shall make an interim appointment to that office from the voting members of the Board for the remainder of the unexpired term, which shall be ratified by the Board.
Section 7.
The President shall serve as Immediate Past President upon expiration of his/her term.
Section 8.
The President Elect shall become the President upon expiration of the President's term.
ARTICLE V Meetings
Section 1.
The Board shall meet 2-4 times each year, generally by telephone, video, electronic conferencing or other similar means.
Section 2.
Quorum for transaction of business requires 51% of voting members, to include at least one member from each 'Full member' College, the Secretary/ Treasurer (or designate) and at least two other Executive members. In addition, at least one member of the non-voting, i.e., associate member Colleges, should be present.
Section 3.
a) The President of IACLAM shall preside at all meetings of the Board.
b) The President Elect shall preside in the absence of the President.
c) The Vice President shall preside at a meeting in the absence of the President and the President Elect.
d) The Immediate Past President shall preside in the absence of the President, President Elect and the Vice President.
Section 4.
Meetings are conducted following the most current published version of Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE VI Amendments and Actions
The Constitution and Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Constitution and Bylaws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at a meeting of the Board, with a quorum present. The adopted amendment(s) will go into effect immediately upon approval.
ARTICLE VII Official Language
The official and working language of IACLAM shall be English.
ARTICLE VIII Standing Committees
The 'Standing Committees' for IACLAM include the Finance Committee, the Nominations Committee, the Education Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Organizational Committee. Working groups will be appointed by the President as necessary.
ARTICLE IX Dissolution
A decision to dissolve IACLAM shall require the consent of at least three-quarters of the member Colleges. Upon dissolution of IACLAM, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, revert all of the assets of the association back to the member Colleges in equal measure.
2.Rev: January 4, 2024
1.Rev: February 23, 2016
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IACLAM Constitution and Bylaws
Rev-2: 4th Jan 2024
Rev-1: 23rd Feb 2016